The 2013 - 2014 show season was a tremendous success! Several of our does took home Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion placings at the South Florida Fair, North Florida Fair, and Florida State Fair. The C-Faith junior does also placed first for Dairy Goat Herd in the Lamancha as well as Oberhasli divisions!
The 2014 kidding season was also a wonderful blessing! Nine of our does kidded resulting in 9 bucklings and 6 doelings. There were no complications during the births and all of our first time freshners did splendid! Isabel made up a pattern and knitted sweaters for the babies. Our little entrepreneur is already planning on how to make more of these for her business.
This was a very successful year for Isabel as she not only won first place (and belt buckles!) in Showmanship at each of the major fairs she competed in but she also won Intermediate Champion of Champions at the Florida State Fair. To do that, she completed a poster, record book, skillathon, record book test, showmanship, goat judging contest, and more. She spent months learning different farm knots, goat health tools, medications, goat parts, identification methods, and more. What a great reward for her hard work and time!
We thank the Lord for all he has done these past few months and look forward to what He has planned for the future here at Cultivating Faithfulness Farm. Please feel free to drop by to milk a goat or bottle feed a baby - we love what we do and we love to share it with others!