Weare excited to unveil our new logo and website! The logo features a picture of what our cob house will look like once it is built as well as a goat and chicken as they are key components of our farm.
The new website has a blog component so we will no longer be updating this page. Please visit us there and keep up with our family, farm, and home building journey!
New website: www.fieldoffaithfulness.com
Cultivating Faithfulness
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Field of Faithfulness
Field of Faithfulness Farm
Pasture Grazed
~ Sustainably Raised ~ Organically Fed Dairy Goat Products
The new
season has officially started at Field of Faithfulness Farm! Though our underlying principles remain the
same, we have a new name and a modified approach as we continue implementing
the vision for our farm. We are excited
about the positive impact we hope to achieve for the health of our animals and
the quality of our products.
At the
forefront, we have transitioned all our dairy goats to soy-free, certified organic
feed. A recent scientific study by the
University of Naples (Italy)[1]
found that dams fed genetically engineered soybeans exhibited changes in the composition
of their milk and the weight of their kids was significantly reduced. With the increasing number of articles
highlighting the negative potential and realized impacts of genetically
modified foods and pesticides on humans and animals, we have turned to organic
This season
will also mark one year since we implemented a free range foraging program for
our goats. Last year we seeded two plots
with summer and winter pasture mixes designed to meet the dietary needs of
dairy goats. Our goats enjoy foraging
the fresh pastures daily.
Due to
popular demand, we have increased the number of layer hens, whose eggs will be
available for purchase in the fall. Our
hens are also fed soy-free, certified organic grains.
We are
grateful for our customers’ support over the past several years, and we are delighted
to continuing implementing this vision so we can provide you and other local families
with quality products.
For information about purchasing our products, please e-mail us at: cultivatingfaithfulness.perdomo@gmail.com.
Tudisco R., CalabrĂ² S. Cutrignelli M.I., Moniello G., Grossi M., Mastellone V.,
Lombardi P., Pero M., Infascelli F. (2015) Genetically modified soybean in a
goat diet: Influence on kid performance , Small Ruminant Res., http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2015.01.023
from http://www.testbiotech.org/en/node/1152
Monday, July 7, 2014
Here We Goat Again!
What a year it has been on Cultivating Faithfulness Farm! We have grown and expanded not only in our goat herd but in our human herd as well! It was a rather difficult pregnancy so you haven't "herd" much from us but praise the Lord our beautiful daughter, Hannah Ruth, arrived with no complications. She is a healthy, happy, beautiful baby that is already helping on the farm!
The 2013 - 2014 show season was a tremendous success! Several of our does took home Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion placings at the South Florida Fair, North Florida Fair, and Florida State Fair. The C-Faith junior does also placed first for Dairy Goat Herd in the Lamancha as well as Oberhasli divisions!
The 2014 kidding season was also a wonderful blessing! Nine of our does kidded resulting in 9 bucklings and 6 doelings. There were no complications during the births and all of our first time freshners did splendid! Isabel made up a pattern and knitted sweaters for the babies. Our little entrepreneur is already planning on how to make more of these for her business.
This was a very successful year for Isabel as she not only won first place (and belt buckles!) in Showmanship at each of the major fairs she competed in but she also won Intermediate Champion of Champions at the Florida State Fair. To do that, she completed a poster, record book, skillathon, record book test, showmanship, goat judging contest, and more. She spent months learning different farm knots, goat health tools, medications, goat parts, identification methods, and more. What a great reward for her hard work and time!
We thank the Lord for all he has done these past few months and look forward to what He has planned for the future here at Cultivating Faithfulness Farm. Please feel free to drop by to milk a goat or bottle feed a baby - we love what we do and we love to share it with others!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
And Then It Was...September?!?!
The girls love their new pens, new shelters, and especially love the NEW TRAILS! We borrowed the neighbor's mower and Gabe spent some time carving out trails all around the eight acres. The human kids, milking does, yearlings, and goat kids all enjoy walking the property enjoying fresh plants, checking out butterflies, and watching beautiful sunsets. One family that joined us told us we could market these great walks! It is a treasure to spend those hours with each other.
Kaleb watching us leave at the corner of the property. |
The last animals to be moved were the bucks! Although their structure isn't the permanent one they will eventually have, they are very content enjoying the fresh forage and the breeze of their new home.
ALMOST FINISHED! We have gotten almost everything complete to put the Wesley Chapel house on the market. What a blessing it has been to simplify, simplify, simplify. While it has been a lot of work, we are seeing the end in sight and looking forward to our next big step...COB!! What is cob you say? It is a sand, clay, straw, and water mixture that we plan on building our new house out of!
Dawn and Gabe making bricks! |
Isabel and Melina stomping out the cob! |
Two of the new bricks! |
While this year has been one of the toughest years yet, we enjoyed the hard work and the Lord's blessing. Next month, we will be starting school and are looking forward to seeing fruit from all of our spring and summer labor. It is a beautiful farm life, stayed tuned to our blog to see how we enjoy it and press ahead!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Faithfulness Farm Goat Milk Now Available
We are pleased to announce that Faithfulness
Farm once again has raw goat milk available for purchase!
We are excited to report that
in June we transferred most of our herd, including all the milking does, to the
new farm. The larger parcel will allow us to provide for our animals in
ways that simply were not possible at our old location. We are excited
about the future of our entire household, which of course includes our animals,
at our farm. We invite anyone interested in learning
more about our milking procedures and our animals to come by see for
yourself and ask questions.
The does enjoy foraging on their new pasture. |
This year we were planning
on transitioning from the Ball quart jars to much nicer ½-gallon glass bottles
and selling milk ONLY in the ½-gallon bottles; however, since we are increasing
the price of the milk and all of our previous customers have the Ball quart jars,
we will offer the ½-gallon bottles as an optional item. The price for
each Ball quart jars w/ lid will remain at $2, and the price for the ½-gallon
bottles w/ lid is $8. As before, the container price is a one-time
purchase (you purchase the jar/bottle) and then jars/bottles are traded during
subsequent milk purchases. We will need to know your preference (jar or bottle)
in advance so we can fill orders in the appropriate containers
· $4 per quart (on-farm)
· $7 per half gallon (on-farm)
· $12 per gallon (on-farm)
· Additional fees for delivery.
· Predetermined drop-off locations for
multiple customers w/o additional delivery fee possible, but none have been
coordinated at this time
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to providing you with a quality product for your family.
Faithfulness Farm
Thursday, May 9, 2013
A Bright Idea for a Bright Birthday Smile!
I am always trying to think of ways to make them feel loved on their set apart day. Among my favorites things to do are to decorate all above their bed when they are asleep, block the top of their doorway with crate paper, or make big home made signs that hang from their ceiling. This way they know before they walk out of their room and see me, that I regard them and this day as a something to celebrate!
Thanks to a package Isabel received in the mail from her Aunt Kristin yesterday, we have another way to do this! Following a tradition set by her mother when she was little, Aunt Kristin sent Isabel a home made Happy Birthday Pillowcase! The instructions included to put in on her pillow the night before her special day this year and every year hereafter. This way she wakes up with smiles and a feeling of being special every birthday.
What a great idea and one that is easy to do and share! Pillowcases are simple to make and inexpensive to send. Not only would these be great for your own kids but how about surprising your niece or nephew across the miles with a personalized gift? Ideas for a baseball one for my nephew, Hello Kitty for my niece, and more are already swirling and Isabel hasn't even taken her head off her pillowcase this morning!
Follow these links to find instructions and a video on how to make a simple, beautiful pillowcase using the "hot dog" method.
Printed Instruction:
Video Tutorial:
May you be blessed with bright birthday smiles!
Monday, April 22, 2013
Garbage Man - I Am Your Number One Fan
I try to provide examples of being kind and sharing the love of Christ to others to my children everyday. Things such as offering the cashier at the store prayer, buying the milk for the lady in line in front of us, paying for the coffee of the person behind us in line at the drive through, and more speak volumes to them when they see the responses from the receivers.
We have also been blessed to be on the other side of kindnesses. Oh how it fascinates the children when someone compliments us, someone shares something with us, and especially when someone randomly buys our dinner!
I try to stress to the children that it is not the size of the kindness that matters - it is the little things that may make someone's day. This is where our garbage man comes in. Twice a week, that man drives down our street doing a job that many of us would dread in weather conditions that range from wet and rainy to one hundred degree heat with high humidity. And every time he does, he takes the time to be kind and make someone's day.
In his big green truck, he pulls up, waves, and beeps twice in a row. This results in a big smile and feverish wave from the one year old that is twenty feet away watching the truck intently. After the other man loads all our trash into the truck, both workers usually wave again and the driver beeps two more times. Oh what fun! This elicits even more smiles, faster waves from the one year old, and the yelling of the word "hi!" repeatedly.
It doesn't take much, but this man makes my little guy's day twice a week. Nehemiah now waves at every garbage "tuck" we pass like they are old friends, consumes books with pictures of them, and sings songs featuring their skills.
Four beeps. Imagine if we all just did a little kindness in what we did every day.
"And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:32
One happy boy on garbage day. |
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